Browsing: Duty holders | Page 88


Unassessed changes, "mimed" inductions preceded death

A workplace fatality, which led to a $250,000 WHS fine, occurred in circumstances where the contrast between the instructions provided to workers with limited English and what supervisors allowed to occur gave rise "to an understandable level of confusion about what was, and was not, permitted", an inquest has found.


Judge sends safety warning to company directors in fining man and business $375k

An 82-year-old company director has been convicted and fined $125,000 over the death of his friend, with a judge rejecting claims that his age reduced the seriousness of his offence, and saying a "strong message needs to be sent to company directors whose companies place employees and others in highly dangerous situations".


Employer found guilty in case examining balance between safety duties and human rights

An employer has been found guilty of workplace health and safety breaches, relating to an elderly man's fall into a ditch, after a judge rejected its claim that the control it was accused of failing to implement would interfere with the human and statutory rights of its care facility residents.

Page 88 of 181 | Total articles: 1,810

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