Browsing: Jurisdiction (QLD) | Page 13


WHS sentences upheld by Court of Appeal, director recklessly "orchestrated" dangerous task

A PCBU and its director have failed to overturn their WHS recklessness penalties of $500,000 and suspended jail time, with a superior court highlighting the director's failure to exercise due diligence and his high moral culpability.


Injury-causing performance management not unreasonable for worker unable to delegate tasks

The assistance a manager provided to a worker has helped quash the worker's claim that she was unreasonably performance managed - and injured - over issues stemming from her employer's inadequate resources.


Consultation breaches created serious safety issues

A major employer has been fined $70,000 for serious contraventions of its consultation obligations, with the Federal Court finding it pursued a "commercial benefit" ahead of the safety of its workers and others affected by its undertaking.


New anti-reprisal laws and safety metrics proposed

Employers in the highly hazardous mining sector could be compelled to adopt better leading indicators of safety performance, subjected to more unannounced regulatory inspections, and targeted by new laws aimed at protecting workers who raise safety concerns, under recommendations from a parliamentary inquiry.


Double-fatality fine exceeds recommended penalty, court calls for changes to WHS Codes

In a WHS case involving the deaths of two teenage students from overseas, a court has imposed a penalty much higher than that recommended by the prosecution, stressing that unlike workers, children are particularly vulnerable to business-related hazards because they haven't been trained to recognise or mitigate risks.


Injured worker loses benefits after workload appeal

An employer's efforts to address a worker's "unattainable" workload might have come too late, but the woman's psychological injury was barred from compensation, an appeals court has ruled, finding a previous decision applied the wrong reasonable management action test.


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