Browsing: White-collar work | Page 11


Sedentary injuries resolved, but psych injuries remain

Comcare has been cleared of liability for a worker's sedentary and manual handling injuries, but its claim that her incapacitating secondary psychological illness, which arose from working with pain, was no longer work-related has been rejected.


Dream turns to nightmare with excessive workload

A lawyer exhibited obvious signs of distress from performing three roles and working excessive hours for the Coroners Court of Victoria, yet her managers decided her declining health was unrelated to work, and provided her with little support in her role or while she was on sick leave, an inquiry into her death has found.



Customer abuse at major bank didn't cause injury

A psychologically injured worker claiming he was a "punching bag" for a major bank's angry customers never told his manager about this issue and did not have "particularly heavy" exposure to difficult customers, a tribunal has found in concluding the bank isn't liable for his condition.


Back pain interventions that rise above the rest

"Technical" interventions like changing a worker's workstation and redesigning tasks are the most effective for reducing and preventing lower back pain, a major review has found.


Standing desk wrongly blamed for back injury

An employer's "extensive" worksite assessments and ergonomic measures have helped block a worker's claim that his sudden onset of back pain was caused by work and a new standing desk.


Poor performance rating wasn't workplace bullying

The Fair Work Commission has denied anti-bullying orders to a worker claiming her supervisor unfairly assessed her performance and denied her work, causing her psych injury. The FWC found the worker "pushed back and resisted complying" with the supervisor's reasonable requests.


Worker's mouse-clicking arguably linked to condition

An employer has convinced a tribunal that intense computer work did not cause a worker's hand injury, but it failed to avoid one of the other "pathways to liability".


Worker wins mouse-overuse surgery costs

An injured worker has accused her employer of relying on a medical expert with a "philosophical stance" against computer overuse injuries to deny liability for her wrist condition.


Fun ambassadors key to successful sit-less strategy

A workplace intervention that got workers to reduce harmful sitting by up to 71 minutes per day owes its success to humour, the domino effect and managers who are not "gym bunnies", researchers say.

Page 11 of 27 | Total articles: 266