Browsing: WHS - research & reports | Page 13


Fatality inquiry identifies common causes, examines manslaughter laws and calls for new WHS Codes

Simple "how to" WHS Codes of Practice will be developed under an accepted recommendation from a major inquiry into a spike in agricultural fatalities, which identified risks created by COVID-19, unsuitable imported machinery and industrial manslaughter laws.


Alter workers' RTW "expectancies" to reduce absences

Vocational advice, and mindful communication from return-to-work stakeholders, can improve the capacity of injured workers to perform work by changing their expectations and self-perceptions of fragility, Australian and European researchers say.


Intrusive managers increase stress, leaving loudly helps

Results from a new international collaborative study have prompted the authors to call for employment policies and safety laws that protect workers from widespread out-of-hours managerial intrusions, while new research by LinkedIn shows "loud leaving" supervisors can help prevent burnout.


Hybrid work increases exercise and sleep levels, improving wellbeing and productivity

Being offered hybrid working arrangements is helping workers exercise for an average of 90 minutes more per week, and get dozens of extra hours of sleep per year, significantly improving their health and reducing stress levels, a survey has found.


Findings on depression and PTSD show need to target sleeping habits in new employees

Poor sleep in workers starting new roles significantly impacts their first few months of employment, and can lead to the development of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, a new Australian study has shown.


Workers need protection from fertility risks like heat

Employers can reduce the occupational risks to workers' reproductive health by reducing their exposure to heat, noise and chemicals, a global literature review has found.

Page 13 of 161 | Total articles: 1,608