Browsing: Workers' comp decisions (NSW) | Page 12


Leave-accusations meeting caused psychiatric impairment

A major employer should have given a worker more time to prepare for a disciplinary meeting and possibly rectify his transgressions, a commission has ruled in finding the purportedly "casual" meeting was unreasonable action that wholly or predominately caused his debilitating psych injury.


Employer deemed liable for worker's insomnia after removing work-from-home arrangement

An employer that made wholesale changes to a unit's roster has been found liable for a worker's insomnia, in a decision exploring whether abolishing an employee's ability to work from home constitutes a transfer or the removal of an employment benefit.


Speed-up orders weren't bullying or duty breach

A supervisor's act of telling a worker, who struggled to meet his targets, to hurry up, was not bullying, a court has found in rejecting the worker's claim for nearly $500,000 in damages.

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